Book Review: A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout

Book Review: A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout

As software engineers, we often get caught up in the day-to-day grind of coding, debugging, and deploying. While these activities are essential, they can sometimes overshadow the more abstract aspects of our craft: the design principles that underpin our code and guide our decision-making. John Ousterhout’s A Philosophy of Software Design is a refreshing deep dive into these often-overlooked elements, offering a compelling argument for why software design matters just as much, if not more, than the code itself.


At just over 170 pages, A Philosophy of Software Design is a concise and impactful read that challenges some of the conventional wisdom in software engineering. Ousterhout, a professor of Computer Science at Stanford University and creator of the Tcl programming language, brings a wealth of experience to the table. His goal is clear: to help software engineers think more deeply about how to design systems that are both maintainable and scalable.

The book is divided into several chapters, each covering different aspects of software design, from high-level concepts like complexity and modularity to practical advice on how to write cleaner, more maintainable code. What sets this book apart is its emphasis on simplicity and its critique of common practices that lead to unnecessary complexity.

Key Concepts

One of the central themes of the book is the idea that complexity is the root of all evil in software design. Ousterhout defines complexity as anything related to the structure of a software system that makes it hard to understand and modify. He argues that the primary goal of software design should be to minimize complexity, even at the cost of other design goals like performance or reusability.

To achieve this, Ousterhout introduces several key principles:

  1. Modules Should be Deep: Ousterhout argues that modules should have a simple interface but encapsulate a lot of functionality. This contrasts with the common practice of creating shallow modules that do little more than wrap existing functions. Deep modules hide complexity and reduce the cognitive load on developers who use them.
  2. Classes Should be Small: Rather than aiming for broad classes with many responsibilities, Ousterhout advocates for small, focused classes that do one thing well. This principle aligns with the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) but goes further by encouraging developers to split classes as soon as they start to do too much.
  3. Comments are a Necessary Evil: While many developers are taught that code should be self-explanatory, Ousterhout argues that comments are often necessary to explain the deeper rationale behind design decisions. However, these comments should explain “why” the code is written in a certain way, not “what” the code does.
  4. Working Code Isn’t Enough: Ousterhout stresses that just because a program works doesn’t mean it’s well-designed. A piece of software can be functional but still be a nightmare to maintain or extend. Thus, design should always consider the future, aiming to make the system as easy to evolve as possible.

One of the greatest strengths of A Philosophy of Software Design is its practicality. The book doesn’t just present abstract principles; it offers concrete examples and actionable advice that developers can apply immediately. For example, Ousterhout’s discussion on how to identify and refactor “deep” modules provides valuable insight into improving the modularity of existing codebases.

The book also excels at challenging the status quo. Ousterhout isn’t afraid to question widely-accepted practices, such as the overuse of design patterns or the pursuit of code reuse at the expense of simplicity. This critical perspective encourages readers to think for themselves rather than blindly following best practices.


Philosophy of Software Design is a must-read for any software engineer who wants to improve their understanding of software design. It’s a book that challenges you to rethink how you approach coding, focusing not just on getting things to work, but on creating systems that are maintainable, scalable, and, above all, simple.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting in your career, the insights in this book will help you become a more thoughtful and effective engineer. Ousterhout’s emphasis on reducing complexity and his clear, no-nonsense writing style make this a standout addition to any developer’s bookshelf. If you’re looking to level up your design skills, this book is a great place to start.