Code Generation: OpenAPI vs. Project Kiota

Code Generation: OpenAPI vs. Project Kiota

As APIs evolve and grow in complexity, managing and consuming them efficiently becomes a challenge. To address this, many organizations generate API clients—libraries or SDKs that simplify interaction with APIs. Two prominent approaches to generating these clients are using OpenAPI and Microsoft’s Project Kiota.

In this blog post, we’ll compare OpenAPI and Project Kiota, exploring their strengths, use cases, and how they fit into the API client generation landscape.

Understanding OpenAPI

OpenAPI is a widely-adopted standard for describing RESTful APIs. Initially known as the Swagger Specification, OpenAPI allows developers to define their APIs in a machine-readable format (YAML or JSON). This definition can then be used to generate documentation, perform validation, and crucially, generate API clients in multiple programming languages.

How OpenAPI Works
  1. API Specification: Developers write an OpenAPI specification that describes the API’s endpoints, request and response formats, authentication methods, and more.
  2. Code Generation: Using tools like Swagger Codegen or OpenAPI Generator, developers can generate client libraries in various languages (e.g., Python, Java, JavaScript, C#).
  3. Integration: The generated client library can be integrated into applications, enabling developers to interact with the API using strongly-typed methods and objects rather than raw HTTP requests.
Advantages of OpenAPI
  • Language Agnostic: OpenAPI supports generating clients in numerous languages, making it versatile for multi-language environments.
  • Community Support: Being an industry standard, OpenAPI benefits from a large community, extensive documentation, and a wide range of tools.
  • Interoperability: OpenAPI specifications can be used across different platforms and tools, from API gateways to testing frameworks, increasing its utility in the API lifecycle.
  • Ease of Use: The specification format is straightforward, and many tools provide user-friendly interfaces for generating and managing clients.
Disadvantages of OpenAPI
  • Limited Extensibility: While OpenAPI is flexible, it is primarily designed for RESTful APIs. Customizing or extending it to support non-REST patterns (like gRPC) can be challenging.
  • Potential for Code Bloat: Generated clients can sometimes include unnecessary boilerplate or unused code, especially if the API specification is large or complex.
  • Versioning Complexity: Managing client versions as the API evolves requires careful attention, as breaking changes can propagate to all generated clients.

Introducing Project Kiota

Project Kiota is an open-source initiative from Microsoft designed to generate strongly-typed API clients based on OpenAPI specifications. Kiota aims to improve the developer experience by generating lightweight, idiomatic clients tailored to specific programming languages, while also incorporating modern development practices.

How Project Kiota Works
  1. OpenAPI-Based: Like other tools, Kiota uses OpenAPI specifications as its input, making it compatible with existing OpenAPI definitions.
  2. Client Generation: Kiota generates client libraries in multiple languages (e.g., TypeScript, C#, Java, Python), focusing on creating minimalistic, strongly-typed clients.
  3. Idiomatic Clients: Kiota generates code that adheres to the conventions and best practices of the target language, making the clients feel natural to developers familiar with that language.
Advantages of Project Kiota
  • Minimalistic Approach: Kiota focuses on generating only the necessary code, avoiding the bloat that can occur with other tools. This leads to leaner, more efficient clients.
  • Idiomatic Code: The generated clients are designed to align closely with the idioms and practices of the target language, reducing friction for developers.
  • Strong Typing: Kiota emphasizes strong typing, making it easier to catch errors at compile time and improving overall code quality.
  • Modern Design: Kiota is designed with modern software practices in mind, making it a good fit for contemporary development environments.
Disadvantages of Project Kiota
  • Language and Tooling Limitations: While Kiota supports several popular languages, its support is not as extensive as OpenAPI, and it may lack the broad tooling ecosystem that OpenAPI enjoys.
  • Less Mature: Being a newer project, Kiota has a smaller community and less documentation compared to OpenAPI. Developers might encounter issues or edge cases that lack well-established solutions.
  • Dependency on OpenAPI: While Kiota improves on the client generation experience, it still relies on the OpenAPI specification. Any limitations in OpenAPI (such as non-RESTful patterns) will also affect Kiota.

Comparison Table: OpenAPI vs. Project Kiota

Feature/AspectOpenAPIProject Kiota
Language SupportExtensive (dozens of languages)Limited (focused on popular languages)
Community and EcosystemLarge community, broad tooling supportSmaller community, evolving ecosystem
Code GenerationCan produce bloat, less idiomaticMinimalistic, idiomatic, strongly-typed clients
FlexibilityHighly flexible, supports a wide range of use casesPrimarily focused on RESTful APIs, less flexible
Ease of UseUser-friendly with many tools and pluginsSimple, but may require learning Kiota-specific features
MaturityEstablished, widely adoptedEmerging, rapidly growing
CustomizationCustomization options via plugins and extensionsDesigned for minimalism, less need for customization

Choosing the Right Tool

When deciding between OpenAPI and Project Kiota for generating API clients, consider the following factors:

  1. Project Requirements:
    • If you need to generate clients in a wide range of languages or require extensive tooling and plugin support, OpenAPI might be the better choice. OpenAPI’s flexibility and community support make it a reliable choice for diverse environments.
    • If you’re working with a more focused set of languages (e.g., TypeScript, C#, Java) and prefer minimalistic, strongly-typed clients that align closely with modern development practices, Project Kiota is an excellent option.
  2. Development Environment:
    • If your team values adherence to language-specific conventions and prefers idiomatic code, Kiota’s approach will likely resonate better with your developers.
    • For teams that require broader integration with existing tools, such as CI/CD pipelines, testing frameworks, or API gateways, OpenAPI’s mature ecosystem will offer more out-of-the-box solutions.
  3. Long-Term Maintenance:
    • Consider the evolution of your API. OpenAPI offers more established solutions for managing versioning and backward compatibility, which is crucial for large, long-lived projects.
    • Kiota, while promising, is still maturing. If you’re building a new project and want to adopt the latest practices, Kiota is worth exploring, especially if your API will benefit from its minimalistic, strongly-typed approach.


Both OpenAPI and Project Kiota offer powerful solutions for generating API clients, but they cater to slightly different needs and preferences. OpenAPI is the established, battle-tested choice with a vast ecosystem and broad language support. It’s ideal for projects requiring versatility and extensive tooling. On the other hand, Project Kiota represents a modern, minimalistic approach that emphasizes strong typing and idiomatic code, making it a compelling choice for developers who value lean, maintainable clients.

Ultimately, the best tool depends on your specific use case, development environment, and long-term goals. Whether you choose OpenAPI’s flexibility or Kiota’s modern simplicity, both options will help you streamline API consumption and improve your overall development workflow.